Stucky's Plumbing & Septic
Stucky's Plumbing & Septic

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Stucky's Plumbing & Septic


Phone: 770 546-3365

fax: 678-664-2604



Or use our contact form.

Business Hours 8am to 5pm Mon-Fri. Emergency Service Available 24 Hours a day

Connect With Us

You have a problem, we can fix it!


If we can't fix the problem you called us out to repair, you dont pay! And remember, we guarantee 100% satisfaction!

Any plumbing, sewer and septic related issues should always be performed by a professional plumbing and septic company. Even a small mistake can cause major damage. Call us for your plumbing and septic needs. We do free estimates and we can inspect your home for early signs of damage or problems waiting to happen, avoid costly repairs and enhance the safety of your home.

Stucky's Plumbing & Septic is a fully licensed and insured plumbing and septic company servicing all your water, sewer and septic needs. We pride ourselves on providing high quality professional work in a timely manner, while working with todays busy lifestyles.

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